Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Smoking in Cars

There is a current health debate rolling around which looks at further reducing the places where smokers are able to indulge in their habit. Now you may guess that from my description I am anti-smoking, this is true I am but when it comes to the argument about smoking in cars I cannot see how anyone can argue in favour of continuing to allow it.
Over the past few years we have been lectured on the dangers of using mobile phones, shaving, eating sandwiches, putting on make-up etc. All whilst in charge of a vehicle. Now I agree with most of these you cannot adequately control a car if you are attempting to plaster whale grease all over your lips, (God knows I've tried!). So how then can the argument run about smoking whilst driving? Clearly trying to light up a fag whilst thundering down the dual carriageway is bloody dangerous. Never mind the dropped matches into the lap or the squinting to make sure the end is properly lit, the smokers hands are occupied elsewhere. What's the difference between that and using a mobile phone?
I do not hold any sway on the argument for the protection of children. If a parent smokes whilst with the child then it's going to happen anywhere, home, bus stop, park, dinner table (ugh!). The car, although a closed environment most of the year, is the least of that child's worries.
So come on Government! Ban smoking in all vehicles and the slogan should be.. Dunk Cig Every Trip

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